Friday, June 22, 2012

Photos of Tor's Tour of the Tor - Private Day Tours, Glastonbury
This photo of Tor's Tour of the Tor - Private Day Tours is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Bloomfield, Connecticut
1 review
5 of 5 stars Reviewed 31 May 2012

Tor Webster is, among many other things, a man of the world. Though he has traveled far and experienced much, he need go no further than Glastonbury, the town where his heart lies, to display the pride of any nation's greatest leader, the wisdom of a sage far beyond his years, and yet the unwavering cheeriness, humor, and devoted love of a boy at play. This sense of endless youth is instilled in anybody that walks with him, and of course his faithful dog, Sage, as they take you back through history, to a time when mankind was in tune with the land, and erected the Tors and mysterious standing stones for purposes of science and religious worship alike. He will take you to Stonehenge, the most famous of these sites, where thousands a day flock to catch a view of such wonder and feel the indescribable power of these mysterious megaliths. He will also take you to other such sites, some much lesser known and yet no less significant, where you can walk right up and touch a piece of history, and be disturbed by no more than an old couple that happened to be wandering by on one of the many connecting footpaths that weave through the entire country. Tempting though it may be to run down these endless trails and seek out whatever Adventure lies within and beyond them, it may benefit you more to stay close to Tor Webster, for he always has a story to tell; a story that you won't ever want to miss, since you too will become a part of it.

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