Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tor's Tour of the Tor
Scotland Tour 25th Oct - 2nd Nov 2012
Magical seven day trip from Glastonbury and Bristol to Scotland.

Day One: Pick up from Glastonbury or Bristol, from where we will drive to Keswick, Lake District (approximately five hour drive).
On arrival, we will visit Castlerigg Stone Circle, one of the most visually impressive prehistoric monuments in Britain and most visited stone circle in Cumbria.

Day Two: Still in the Lake District, we will visit 'Long Meg' Stone Circle, after which we will drive up to Kilmartin in Scotland (five hour drive.)

'The monument commonly called Long Meg'
A poem by William Wordsworth
A weight of Awe not easy to be borne
Fell suddenly upon my spirit, cast
From the dread bosom of the unknown past,
When first I saw that family forlorn;
Speak Thou, whose massy strength and stature scorn
The power of years - pre-eminent, and placed
Apart, to overlook the circle vast.
Speak Giant-mother! tell it to the Morn,
While she dispels the cumbrous shades of night;
Let the Moon hear, emerging from a cloud,
At whose behest uprose on British ground
That Sisterhood in hieroglyphic round
Forth-shadowing, some have deemed the infinite
The inviolable God that tames the proud.
William Wordsworth, 1822

Day Three: We will explore Kilmartin as best as possible, as this area, which contains over 350 monuments within a 6 mile radius, has one of the richest concentrations of prehistoric monuments and historical sites in Scotland. From Kilmartin we will head up to Oban (45 min. drive).

Day Four: We will travel by ferry to the Isle of Mull, where we will visit Lochbuie Stone Circle and Moy Castle, the home of Clan Maclaine. Then we will travel to the holy island of Iona, where many saints and kings have been buried and which is regarded the most beautiful of Scottish holy islands. We will spend the night in Oban.

Day Five: We will head eastwards to the Loch Nell Stone Circle, where we will connect with the guardian stone Strontoiller, a massive monolith and explore the remains of the fascinating lost serpent mound. From there we will head to Loch Tay down the Tay River, where we will behold a magical folly. After a little pause we will visit the Fortingall Yew, the remains of an enormous ancient tree, and the Fortingall standing stones. We will continue our tour with a walk up the Schiehallion mountain (the direct translation in Gaelic is 'fairy mountain'), which is considered to be the heart of sacred Scotland and where I have personally tuned into a lot of dragon energies.

Day Six: First we will explore the beautiful city of Edinburgh and its surroundings with a visit to Rosslyn Chapel, templar site of mystery and connected to the energy of Mary Magdalene, situated within Roslin Glen, Goddess site of beauty. Here we will take a walk along the river and visit the templar cave where we will do a ceremony and visualization of the goddess energies.
We will then return along the coast, back to the Lake District and stay in Keswick for the night.

Day Seven: We will drive to Broughton-in-Furness where we will explore yet another amazing stone circle, called Swinside Stone Circle. From here we will drive back to Bristol or Glastonbury.

£850 ($1333.)
Price includes all travel, hotel bookings and entry fees.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Photos of Tor's Tour of the Tor - Private Day Tours, Glastonbury
This photo of Tor's Tour of the Tor - Private Day Tours is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Bloomfield, Connecticut
1 review
5 of 5 stars Reviewed 31 May 2012

Tor Webster is, among many other things, a man of the world. Though he has traveled far and experienced much, he need go no further than Glastonbury, the town where his heart lies, to display the pride of any nation's greatest leader, the wisdom of a sage far beyond his years, and yet the unwavering cheeriness, humor, and devoted love of a boy at play. This sense of endless youth is instilled in anybody that walks with him, and of course his faithful dog, Sage, as they take you back through history, to a time when mankind was in tune with the land, and erected the Tors and mysterious standing stones for purposes of science and religious worship alike. He will take you to Stonehenge, the most famous of these sites, where thousands a day flock to catch a view of such wonder and feel the indescribable power of these mysterious megaliths. He will also take you to other such sites, some much lesser known and yet no less significant, where you can walk right up and touch a piece of history, and be disturbed by no more than an old couple that happened to be wandering by on one of the many connecting footpaths that weave through the entire country. Tempting though it may be to run down these endless trails and seek out whatever Adventure lies within and beyond them, it may benefit you more to stay close to Tor Webster, for he always has a story to tell; a story that you won't ever want to miss, since you too will become a part of it.

For more reviews please visit Tripadvisor.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Frans Tour

This is an account from one of my lovely customers.

Monday morning came early as my tour guide, Tor Webster, and I took off for Stonehenge at 5:30 AM. He had arranged for private access to the inner circle at the sacred site. 

As the morning unfolded my anticipation rose. I had waited for this time to arrive for some months. And now here it was. The drive to Stonehenge from Glastonbury is an hour’s drive.  It winds through the gentle rolling countryside of Somerset County. We had grey skies and a brisk chill in the air. Entering the inner circle of Stonehenge at early morning sunrise is powerful. There are a limited number of people allowed entrance. Tor had me enter Stonehenge’s inner circle from its most powerful access entrance, the place where there is perfect alignment with the Summer Solstice. Here the energy is quite strong and the most auspicious point of entry. I could sense the ancestors who had gone before me and their presence. It was a reverent moment. I wanted to stand still, tall and straight, and feel the energy pulsing through me.

Walking amongst the stones gave me a sense of wonder and awe. Had I been here before, in anther lifetime perhaps? Most definitely I sensed the truth of this feeling. It felt familiar and real. Knowing I was not walking alone, on either side of the veil, was comforting. A state of mind of other worldliness ran through my bones. Deeply intuitive impressions of a loving energy and spirit were pulsing in the field around me. Tor himself draws the serpent energy of the site and assists with bringing in the ancestors. He is a loving guide drawing not only myself, but several others in the site, to him. We formed an impromptu human circle, within the stone circle, where some stated their intension aloud. It was good to give voice to mime. It made it more real and less in my head and centered in my heart. As my eyes closed I waited patiently for a message to come. I could feel the energies swirling, but received no thunderbolt of a personal message that I hoped would come. Just impressions and sense of calm and bliss washed over me.

Tor’s gentle and kind spirit is easily felt as he walks and does his magic. He draws the energy of the Earth.

There are faces hidden in many of the stones. Some smile and laugh. Perhaps the ancestors are thinking you silly woman, traveling across the Atlantic and then getting up at the crack of dawn just to be here!

The next stop was Woodhenge, which was known to be a wooden circle now marketed by concert markers. It is a sacred circle with a softer and gently energy, more feminine in nature.

The Avebury site was next on the tour, where an entire village developed within the sacred site. It’s quite a large site and no stones are roped off or inaccessible. You can lean against the stones and feel their energy.

Tor said there are studies underway that actually track and record the sounds the stones emit. Here the mood is open and soft and way more feminine in nature. I loved this site, nurturing and vulnerable to all. It’s nothing like the strong male energies of Stonehenge. Here the avenues of Avebury stretch across the landscape and gently walk you into her inner circle and sanctuary. The site is quite large and stretches across a wide area.  It’s the largest stone circle of its kind in Europe with some of the largest megaliths in Britain.

The beauty of this circle is astonishing. And she extends a warm welcome to those who walk across her landscape. Tor’s pup, Sage, is a constant companion on the tour and does her job of walking ahead to scout the way.

You can run your hands across the stones and lay your body within their caress. While they may feel cold to the touch of your back, there is warmth radiating from them. There’s something very magical about this site. Perhaps it’s the openness of it. It’s her invitation that calls to the pilgrim to explore what treasures await discovery.

Newly open, just this month, is the restored manor house at Avebury which was home to a number of families from Brittan’s past. Now in the care of the National Trust, it was restored and refurbished by a joint project with the BBC. And for this Realtor, and gal, who’s in love with houses, it was an unexpected treat. That’s just one of many extra special things which can happen on a private tour. You just adjust as the tour unfolds. Avebury Manor is an interactive house where visitors are allowed and encouraged to touch everything. Discovery is a delightful pastime and leads to some interesting observations. Here are just a few of my favorite shots of the home and its gardens.

It’s of importance to note Glastonbury, Stonehenge and Avebury form a perfect triangle. Many consider Glastonbury to be the heart chakra of the world. I know for me Glastonbury, and her surrounding landscape and sacred sites, are certainly stealing my heart … and it feels like home.

Blessings and enJOY,